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Introduction to deployment

Buzzy is either installed on-premise or in the cloud. At its core it’s a set of Docker images that are typically installed in to Kubernetes (K8s) environment.

Table of contents

  1. Buzzy clients
  2. Buzzy server
  3. Server installation guides
  4. Hosted installs

While Buzzy could be installed as a stand-alone Docker install or Docker Swarm, Kubernetes is typically used to give more robustness, auto-scaling and reliability.

The Buzzy software is comprised of a number of key components/services:

Buzzy clients

These are typically one of:

  • Browser clients like Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Internet Explorer
  • Native Apps build as branded native applications that are able to communicate with the Buzzy Server. Buzzy uses React Native to create these native application. It’s important to note that a single Buzzy client can house/deliver any Buzzy application, so separate native applications are not required.

Buzzy server

This is a set of NodeJS micro services:

  • Core services - a docker image that handles the core service
  • Logging service - docker image that handles all things logging. Logging can be used for analytics - eg who has views a resource, comment etc and logging of other events.
  • Database - Mongo based persistent scalable storage. This can be an on premise instance of Mongo or a hosted MongoDB
  • Object Storage Service - an AWS S3 compatible S# service. These can be hosted on AWS or on premise with a service like Minio
  • External Services- there are various external services that a Buzzy server can integrate with. Including 3rd Party REST API end points like Spectrum Spatial, ServiceNow, SalesForce, HCL Connections etc and Single Sign On (SSO) services like Microsoft/Office 365, HCL Connections, Google, Slack etc
  • Push Services provided by Google’s Firebase and Apple Push Notifications

Server installation guides

Refer to the navigation menu of this section for specific deployment guides. Since we provide Docker images, the server can be installed into any Kubernetes-based environment - in addition to the ones listed in the navigation menu here, other cloud platforms support Kubernetes too. For example, AWS (non Fargate), Google Kubernetes Engine, Azure Kubernetes Service, IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service and many more - more details coming soon; very similar to HCL Connections since at its core Buzzy’s Docker images are deployed into the cloud environments’ K8s environments.

Hosted installs

Contact the Buzzy team for more information about a hosted install.