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Buzzy settings

Buzzy relies on a series of settings or config options that should be defined in a .json or .yml file. Not all are required for a basic deployment.

Table of contents

  1. Basic settings
    1. Environment variables
    2. METEOR_SETTINGS variables
      1. Server-only METEOR_SETTINGS variables
      2. Public METEOR_SETTINGS variables
    3. Map Variables
      1. SPECTRUM_SPATIAL variables
      2. INITIAL_MAP_COORDS variables

Basic settings

Edit your settings.json or .yml file and enter the following information:

Environment variables

The following Environment variables need to be setup. How these are setup will depend on the deployment environment: Docker/Kubernetes/Galaxy etc. For solutions like Galaxy, these are included in the settings JSON.

ROOT_URLURL you are deploying Buzzy to, including https://
MONGO_URLEnter your mongoDB credentials and URL
MONGO_OPLOG_URLEnter your mongoDB credentials and URL
MAIL_URLMail URL including smtp://username:password@smtp-host-name:smtp-port or smtp://smtp-api-key@smtp-host-name:smtp port . SMTPS connection is supported and requires extra parameters to handle TLS. Refer to Node.JS documentation
METEOR_SETTINGSSee table below


Server-only METEOR_SETTINGS variables

These are settings that are only accessible to the server.

AWS_BUZZY_FILESYour s3 file storage config
MAIL_URLEnter your SMTP details (same as above)
BUZZY_ADMIN_EMAILOPTIONAL: Enter Admin user email, used as the primary owner of the default Buzzes and resources that can be added to a Buzz
BUZZY_ADMIN_IDSOPTIONAL: Enter an array of Buzzy admin user IDs
BUZZY_LOGGING_TOKENToken used for access to the Buzzy logging server. Must be the same in the buzzy-logging.yml
DEFAULT_OAUTH_PROVIDERSDetails for the OAuth provider to be set up (e.g. IBM Connections)
BUZZY_CREATE_DEFAULT_ACCOUNTSDefault accounts created. Set isAdmin for these accounts to be considered the same as BUZZY_ADMIN_EMAIL. Make the email the same as one from the OAuth provider to be able to view and edit the provider settings

Public METEOR_SETTINGS variables

These are settings that are available to the client (browser or device/app).

public/AWS_BUZZY_FILESPublic AWS details for files
public/BUZZY_DONOTREPLY_EMAILA valid email address, required if you are using email for sending invitations to the platform, login tokens, password reset and notifications. Note, only the format of the email address needs to be valid, it does not need to be an active email account, for example ''.
public/BUZZY_CUSTOM/NAMEThe name of the deployed app eg 'Buzzy'.
public/BUZZY_CUSTOM/NAME_BUZZThe term the app should use to refer to a (singular) 'Buzz', the core article type in Buzzy eg 'Buzz'
public/BUZZY_CUSTOM/NAME_BUZZESThe term the app should use to refer to (multiple) 'Buzzes', the core article type in Buzzy eg 'Buzzes'
public/BUZZY_CUSTOM/APP_URL_IOSOPTIONAL: URL of the app on the iOS app store. Renders at bottom of email notifications.
public/BUZZY_CUSTOM/APP_URL_ANDROIDOPTIONAL: URL of the app on the Android (Google Play) app store. Renders at bottom of email notifications.
public/BUZZY_CUSTOM/LOGO_MAINOPTIONAL: URL of your main logo. Renders in the masthead and is resized down to fit into a 192x28 area. Format: a `.png` file with a transparent background; the logo should be light to suit rendering on a dark background. Note that it needs to be horizontal in format - due to the size restrictions, vertical or square formats don't work well at all.
public/BUZZY_CUSTOM/LOGO_MAILOPTIONAL: URL of the logo used in system and notification emails. Format: a `.gif`, `.jpg` or `.png` file with a white or transparent background; the logo should be dark to suit rendering on a light background. With wide landscape logos, a max width of 240px is recommended. With vertical logos, a max height of 120px is recommended, but for standard-ish rectangle logos (eg 4:3 ratio etc) keep it very small - the default Buzzy one is 60x25px.
public/BUZZY_CUSTOM/LOGO_MAIL_WIDTHREQUIRED WITH LOGO_MAIL: Width of the email logo. Should correspond to actual image width (don't rely on variables to resize down from a larger image).
public/BUZZY_CUSTOM/LOGO_MAIL_HEIGHTREQUIRED WITH LOGO_MAIL: Height of the email logo. Should correspond to actual image height (don't rely on variables to resize down from a larger image).
public/BUZZY_CUSTOM/EMAIL_FOOTEROPTIONAL: Optional content to be included in emails as a footer.
public/BUZZY_CUSTOM/FAVICONOPTIONAL: Escaped html string that is inserted in the app html head to define a favicon. The assets (eg icon files, svg, xml, webmanifest etc) will need to be hosted somewhere and referred to here via absolute urls. Tip: generating the required assets and markup for a comprehensive favicon suite is easiest via a service such as Realfavicongenerator
public/BUZZY_CUSTOM/PROMOOPTIONAL: Custom promo text (in footer of emails) - appears above EMAIL_FOOTER and app store links (APP_URL_IOS and APP_URL_ANDROID)
public/BUZZY_CUSTOM/PROMO_URLOPTIONAL: Adds a 'Learn more' link after the Promo text. Leave blank to omit.
public/BUZZY_CUSTOM/SPLASH_IMAGEREDUNDANT: Old splash image used prior to login on mobile devices only. Not used.
public/BUZZY_CUSTOM/WELCOME_IMAGEOPTIONAL: Optional welcome image to use as background at end of onboarding sequence. Text and links will render over this.
public/BUZZY_CUSTOM/INVITE_TEAM_MESSAGEOPTIONAL: Message to use in email notification when inviting a new user to a team. If blank, defaults to: '(Username) has invited you to join a (Appname) team': '(Username) has invited you to join a (Appname) team'
public/BUZZY_CUSTOM/INVITE_TEAM_BUTTON_TEXTOPTIONAL: Text to use in call-to-action button after INVITE_TEAM_MESSAGE eg 'Accept the invite'. If blank, defaults to: 'Join (Appname)'
public/BUZZY_CUSTOM/INVITE_BUZZ_TEXTOPTIONAL: Message to use in email notification when inviting a user to a NEW Buzz or resource. If blank, defaults to 'has invited you to' (username and avatar appear before this phrase). For existing Buzzes or resource items, the message simply reads 'updated' (preceded by username and followed by details).
public/BUZZY_CUSTOM/INVITE_CLICK_TO_VIEW_TEXTREQUIRED: Message to use in email notification when asking a user to view a NEW Buzz or resource. (Should be optional but no fallback exists?).
public/BUZZY_CUSTOM/SUPPORT_EMAILOPTIONAL: Email address to receive support requests
public/BUZZY_CUSTOM/CUSTOM_NAVOPTIONAL: Allows control over the links and labels that appear in the app navigation. Some items include urls
public/BUZZY_CUSTOM/COMMENT_LIMITOPTIONAL: Limit the number of comments that are retrieved at a time for a user when viewing comments in a Buzz
public/BUZZY_CUSTOM/ACTIVITY_LIMITOPTIONAL: Limit the amount of alerts/notifications that are retrieved at a time for a user
public/BUZZY_CUSTOM/MICROAPPDATA_LIMITOPTIONAL: Limit the number of microapp results or submissions that are retrieved at a time for a user
public/BUZZY_CUSTOM/RECENT_LIMITOPTIONAL: Limit the number of recent Buzzes that are retrieved at a time on the suers home page
public/BUZZY_TEMPLATE_SERVEROPTIONAL: URL to a server that will house or deliver your Buzzy templates
public/GOOGLE_MAPS_ENABLEDOPTIONAL: specifies using Google Maps API, see also Map Variables
public/GOOGLEBROWSER_API_KEYOPTIONAL: needed for using Google Maps API, see also Map Variables
public/INITIAL_MAP_COORDSOPTIONAL: Set the default address when using the Location field. Include cordinates with formatted address field. Buzzy uses Open Street Maps and make sure to add "coordinates" with the order Longitude first and Latitude next.

Map Variables

Map variables are used to configure the Advanced map.


These are the settings available to configure the Spectrum Spatial Mapping API

enabledTrue if using Spectrum Spatial as the provider for the Advanced Map
apiURLThe URL for the Spectrum Spatial Mapping Service
keyPrecisely Spectrum Spatial API key
secretPrecisely Spectrum Spatial encryption secret


These are the settings available to configure Map location defaults.

formattedAddressInitial full address
mainAddressLineStreet Info
addressLastLineCity, State/Province, Postal Code
countryThree letter country abbreviation
geometryGeoJSON point to centre the map