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Working with a map for mobile devices presents unique challenges. Not only must your user interface work on a small screen and be optimized for touch, but your map needs to load fast and not use an excessive amount if storage.

Here are some considerations when using Microapps and the Advanced Map in a Buzz:

  • zoom layering - The zoom layering options allow you to determine zoom levels at which the selected layer displays, so that the map layer displays only when the map’s zoom level falls within this preset distance.

  • use a combination of vector and tile layers - If you are providing a reference layer on your map considering using a layer based on tiles. You can set up a scheme that uses raster tile data for a portion of the zoom levels and then vector on others. Vector data should be used in situations where new data is modified or entered.

  • limit number of features - In some scenarios it may not be necessary to display all the features in a layer. Consider settting the row limit in the layer.

  • data display in microapp - If a microapp is used to store the data displayed on a map, but not required for tabular display purposes, consider setting the Microapp Results, Results location as Modal. Similar, consider using Results display as a simple list. On a mobile device these have performance implications.

  • geographic data thining - Point thinning reduces the number of points needed to represent a feature for a given scale. Considering using this technique to optimize the layer data source.